Firefox 11-14: Change text size

When using Firefox, there are two ways you can change how big text will look on the screen.

Magnify page with keyboard short cuts

With most websites you should be able to magnify everything that is on the screen with the keyboard.

  • Use Ctrl and ‘+’ (plus) sign to make things bigger.
  • Use Ctrl and ‘-‘ (minus) sign to make things smaller.

Zoom using “View” menu

The Firefox browser has a zoom control that allows you to easily increase the size of content on a web page.

Step 1: Go to the “View” item in the menu bar.

Step 2: Click on “View” to open the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Go to “Zoom” and click “Zoom in” to make content appear bigger or “Zoom out” to make it appear smaller.

NB: To change only the size of text, in the “Zoom” menu select “Zoom text only”.