Internet Explore 7 and 8: Change text size

With Internet Explorer 7 and 8 there are several ways to change the size of page content to make it easier for you to read.

1. Magnify page with keyboard short cuts

With most websites you should be able to magnify everything that is on the screen with the keyboard.

  • Use Ctrl and ‘+’ (plus) sign to make things bigger.
  • Use Ctrl and ‘-‘ (minus) sign to make things smaller.

2. Change page content size with “View” (or “Page”) menu

Internet Explorer browsers after version 7 have a control that allows you to easily increase text size.

Step 1: Click on the “View” (or “Page”) item in the main menu bar. Or press “ALT + P” to open the menu.

Step 2: Go to “Text size” and select the size you want

Alternatively, use the “Zoom” option in the “View” menu to increase of decrease the size of page content.

NOTE: The text size tool does not work on all sites. This may be because the size of the text has been specified or fixed by the developers who made the site. See below for how to turn off specified font sizes.


3. Turning off specified text size

If you can’t change the size of text on the page, try the following:

Step 1: Click on “Tools” in the main menu bar (or press “ALT + T”).

Step 2: Select “Internet Options” usually the last item in the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Click on the “General” tab at the top of the “Internet Options” box if it is not already open.

Step 4: Click the “Accessibility” button at the bottom of the “Internet Options” popup box.

Step 5: Click the “Ignore font sizes specified on webpages” checkbox.

Step 6: Click “OK” to return to the Internet Options panel. Click “OK” to close Internet Options.